The PSM-500 provides the largest selection of sophisticated FEC and codes rates available in the industry. The PSM-500 does more of everything our modems are famous for, including higher data rates, faster DSP signal acquisition (315msec at 9.6kbps QPSK) and features like the built-in BERT and 1:1 redundancy switch. is a platform for academics to share research papers.
PSM-500/500L/500LT SCPC Satellite Modem 4.4 Upgrading the Modem Feature Set Each of the modems in the PSM-500 series is available currently with 3 different “Feature Sets”, M505, M511 and M523, representing basic capabilities that suit it to certain tasks.
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The PSM-500 Tube Cleaner Drill is designed for quick, cleaning of straight, small diameter tubes. These generally include small heat exchangers, lube oil coolers, etc. Compact and easy to use, this air-powered powerful unit will effortlessly clean tube ID's of 3/16"-1" (4.8-25.4mm) and can handle light deposits and tubes plugged solidly with most types of hard deposits.
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The PSM-500 Modem contains potentially lethal voltages inside the case. Extreme caution should be exercised when the cover is removed by following the precautions listed below
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